A message from the staff at

The Tower newspaper has been a staple at Bethany College for many decades. The Tower has provided all Bethanians a source of news and commentary about this liberal arts college in the beautiful town of Bethany, West Virginia, as well as the diverse people who live and work here. This redesigned website of the Tower is led and published by Bethany College students and offers a wide-ranging set of articles and multimedia from historical feature stories to profiles highlighting current and past Bethany students and faculty.
Special thanks to Dr. Tamara and Mr. John Rodenberg, Mr. David Hosseini, Mr. and Mrs. George Manahan, Ms. Beth Grace, Mrs. Susan Shapiro, Ms. Lynn Nakashian, Ms. Melissa Ehret, Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Franck, Ms. Sandra Block, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jensen, Mrs. Hollie Adams, and Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Seglin for their generous donations to the Tower in 2017. Your support is invaluable in the pursuit of our mission of providing a cultural watering hole for interesting and enriching content to the community of Bethany near and far.